Tuesday, May 21, 2013

No Email After Work

The average work day is filled with dozens of emails, phone calls and even text messages.  Communication with others is constant and this continuous back and forth can wear on you as the day comes to a close.  Unfortunately, we know that sometimes you check your work email on the weekend, on the way home, or even worse…at home!  A recent study found that some of the most successful people do not open their email, or even answer their phone once the work day has concluded.  Why is this?  The study showed that when people are constantly in “work mode” they get burned out, crabby and their creativity tends to run out.  It is understandable.  The human body naturally gets tired around 3-5pm as it needs rest and relaxation.  The founders of 5 Hour Energy capitalized on this notion as they discovered that most people need a boost in the afternoon.  So, what can turning the computer or cell phone off after the work day do for you?  It can recharge your brain so you come to work energized.  It can re-boot your creative side so new ideas flow out of you.  Most importantly, keeping work at the workplace can dramatically change your health as it can reduce stress in your life.  We know you work hard, just keep it at the workplace so you can continue to shine!

At Ryan, vehicles may be our profession, but people are our passion.

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