Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why You Need Vitamin C

You probably hear a lot of about Vitamin C as it appears in many health articles and studies, but what exactly does it do for your body and health?  We did some research to find out why you need Vitamin C in your daily diet.

·       Stress- According to Webmd, Vitamin C was beneficial to individuals whose immune system was weakened due to stress.

·       Colds- There is no proven research that links Vitamin C to a cure for the cold, but some studies do show that it helps with other complications that often occur during a minor cold.

·       Skin Aging- Studies show that a diet with sufficient Vitamin C could lead to a lower likeliness of wrinkles, decreased dryness and better aging skin.

How can you get your Vitamin C?  Fruit is typically the way to go.  Frozen or fresh fruit (oranges, berries, melons), raw veggies and other over the counter supplements are always a good idea. 

This information was found on the following site.

Stay healthy and warm out there!

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